Our Mission

Create and communicate high-quality and creative science on the cellular and molecular mechanisms that control tissue biology: development, homeostasis, regeneration, and disease. Our research uses multiple epithelial tissues to explore these scientific interests.

To foster personal and scientific growth and excellence. Our laboratory’s policies attend to all aspects of individuals to allow us to personally and professionally grow as scientists. By committing to each other and community (scientific and beyond), we educate and discover new aspects of tissue biology that we hope will impact human health in the short or long-term.

Our Research

Latest Publications

Skin Fibrosis and Recovery Is Dependent on Wnt Activation via DPP4.

Jussila Anna R,Zhang Brian,Caves Elizabeth,Kirti Sakin,Steele Miarasa,Hamburg-Shields Emily,Lydon John,Ying Yan,Lafyatis Robert,Rajagopalan Sanjay,Horsley Valerie,Atit Radhika P

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